Meet the candidates
Grey Power organised this event, held at Kawerau Konnect hall, MCed by Brian Dent.
The candidates each spoke for five minutes introducing themselves, their main concerns and some of their parties policies.
The candidates in attendance were
Rihi Vercoe – Maori Party
Gareth Hughes – Green Party
Kiri Allen – Labour Party
Anne Tolley – National Party
Julian Tilley – NZ First Party
Leslie Immink – Opportunities Party.
Questions were fielded from the floor, all candidates spoke in reply to each. Questions included Families/Whanau, Water, Housing, and Apprenticeships.
At least 100 worshipers were at the combined morning service of most of the Kawerau churches on Sunday 30 July in the hall at Konnect. The first combined service for two and a half years and the joy at being together was evident. Led by Pastor Paul Heke from the House of Hope, the service featured skits by the Chapel Youth and the Hope ladies, showed people how to make up a gift package for needy children in some Pacific countries, and encouraged all in moving forward steadfastly. Singers from Atomic Church (Community@Church) led the worship and others managed the sound system. Amid lots of good fellowship over morning tea it was agreed that it must not be long before having the next combined service.