Sonrise Easter Convention Kawerau 2025
Soak up the country air, relax in the hot pools enjoy fellowship with friends plus ministry from Geoff Smith entitled ‘The Seven Scrolls’ from the book of Revelation
Soak up the country air, relax in the hot pools enjoy fellowship with friends plus ministry from Geoff Smith entitled ‘The Seven Scrolls’ from the book of Revelation
Soak up the country air, relax in the hot pools, and enjoy fellowship with friends plus ministry.
Come along. All are Welcome
Bring a plate of food to share after the service
Pack the caravan/campervan/motorhome/tent and head to KONNECT Training and Event Centre Kawerau this Easter for a relaxing and spiritually uplifting long weekend of fellowship, Bible teaching, relaxation, testimony and worship.
Delayed - Easter Whanau Service
You are invited to come along to our fun filled programme
At Kawerau Life Konnect, 371 River Road.
Lunch and barbeque sausages will follow our programme.
For all enquiries, phone Ruth 3236774 or 027 279 4184
Registrations are available online.
Are you or your team looking to further develop your leadership skills? Then come along and learn of the five drivers of success with Michael Shaw. Register your interest at
When? Thursday 29th March – Monday 2nd April 2018
What? Relaxation in a quiet open setting, fellowship with likeminded believers, bask in Kawerau’s hot pools for free, soak up the Word of God, praise and worship God, walk in the fresh air of Kawerau’s bush tracks, or drink coffee at Kawerau’s local cafés.
Who? Geoff Smith, renowned and respected Bible teacher who has been gifted by God to unpack the Word of God in a way that everyone can relate to. Each morning and evening he will open John’s Gospel and present one of the seven signs that prove Jesus is the Son of God.
Cost? $40 per person (includes camp fee, morning tea and supper and gift for speaker and organisational expenses). Children under 18 free.
Accommodation? There is no onsite accommodation but plenty of room to park your caravan/campervan/motorhome/tent so long as they are self-contained.
Meals? Sorry, facilities are such that no meals can be provided and campers are expected to self-cater. However, people can share their meals together at the rear of the auditorium. Morning and afternoon tea and evening supper will be provided prior to programmes but campers must bring their own cups. There will be a shared meal on Sunday lunch.
Camp sites? While there is ample room for parking, there is limited power for reasons only. Caravans/Campervans/Motorhomes/tents will need to be self-sufficient. On site toilets are available along with fresh town supply water. There are two dump sites available in the town and information on their location will be provided on arrival.
Pets? Pets are permitted but must be kept on a leash at all times.
Rubbish and Recycling? Rubbish and Recycling bins will be available on site.
Supplies? Kawerau has a well-stocked New World Supermarket which meets most needs. However, any specialist items should be purchased prior to arrival.
Day Visitors? Are welcome but will need to provide their own picnic meals. Good facilities are available. A daily charge of $5 per person is payable to registrar. Under 18 years are free.
This convention has originated at the initiative of Greerton Bible Church caravanners, in association with Kawerau Life Konnect Charitable Trust and in fellowship with Greerton Bible Church and Kawerau Bible Church.